History : Celal Bayar University Faculty of Arts & Sciences Department of Chemistry was founded in 1992 and started education in 1993-1994 school year.

Qualification Awarded : Bachelor's of Chemistry Degree
Level of Qualification (Short Cycle , First Cycle , Second Cycle, Third Cycle) : First Cycle
Specific Admission Requirements : Students should have a diploma of high school and equivalent schools, and take the proficient score from the related area of Bachelor Placement Examination(LYS) done by Evalutaion, Selection,and Placement.
Specific Arrangements For Recognition Of Prior Learning (Formal, Non-Formal and Informal) : Students enrolled in the program can be exempted from the courses they have achieved in the higher education institutions they have already studied. Exemption exams are opened for foreign language courses and the courses that are approved to be exempted from the proposal of the related boards and the resolution of Senate. Students who score 65 or more on the exemption exam are exempt from these courses. Horizontal-vertical access is provided to the students within the quotas described.
Qualification Requirements and Regulations : The student must have succeeded all his courses in the programme. In this programme, the student is expected to get 240 ECTS credit and his average grade is expected to be at least 2.00 out of 4.00.
Profile of The Programme : Aims to raise chemists having enough knowledge in chemistry and transferring this information to others, having sufficient knowledge and experience in chemistry laboratories, using basic information and communication technologies in their profession, having the ability to use devices that can respond to the needs of the industry, scientifically creative and innovative. In the first year of chemistry education, basic courses such as Computer, Physics, General Chemistry, Mathematics are given to bring the knowledge level of the students to the same level. In the second and subsequent years, compulsory courses such as Analytical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Instrumental Analysis, Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry and aboratory lessons are provided that enable a chemist to develop his laboratory skills as the most important technical feature in his career. The undergraduate program aims to develop problem solving in the student as well as laboratory experience by developing an analytical approach. In addition to Biotechnology and Industrial Chemistry courses the third and fourth year of the elective courses mainly aimed to develop a rational approach to industrial problems.
Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples : Our graduates with the title of chemist with Law No. 6269 can work in research, development and / or quality control departments of private or governmental institutions producing food, medicine, glass, soap, oil, detergent, paint, beverage, iron and steel. They can also work in scientific research centers and hospital laboratories.
Access to Further Studies : Graduates holding a Bachelor's (first cycle) degree are eligible to apply to a Masters (second cycle) degree program at national level and/or international level both in the same and in related disciplines.
Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading : Students are assessed in two steps; at least one midterm and a final examination. Other than midterm examinations, quizzes, projects, homework and other activities that the instructor deems appropriate, can be made. The number of these activities and their contributions to the success note are decided by the instructor on course plan. When the success note is determined, the midterm examination has an impact of 40% and the final examination has 60%. All examinations are evaluated over 100 points. When the success grades will be determined, student’s notes are converted to letter grades on the relative system. For a student, to be considered successful on a course, it is needed to have a letter grade at least CC. Students having at least 2.00 GPA are considered successful from the courses with also the letter grades (DC) and (DD). To graduate, students without failed courses but with GPA under 2.00, must raise their GPA’s over 2.00 by retaking primarily the courses with letter grades (DC) and (DD).
Graduation Requirements : The student must have succeeded all his courses in the programme. In this programme, the student is expected to get 240 ECTS credit and his average grade is expected to be at least 2.00 out of 4.00.
Mode of Study (Full-Time, Part-Time, E-Learning ) : Full-Time
Address, Programme Director or Equivalent : Prof. Dr. Tülin AYDEMİR, Celal Bayar University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, head of Department of Cemistry, Şehit Prof. Dr. İlhan Varank Campus/MANİSA
Tel : +90 236 2013151 Faks: +90 236 2013040 e-posta: fef.kimya@cbu.edu.tr

ECTS / DS Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Tülin AYDEMİR,Şehit Prof. Dr. İlhan Varank Campus/MANİSA: Tel : +90 236 2013153 e-posta: tulin.aydemir@cbu.edu.tr
Facilities : Projection is available in all classrooms. The Department of Chemistry has two laboratories used in undergraduate student experiments. In addition, there is one research laboratory for each department and one instrumental analysis laboratory. Our department has some instrument such as FT-IR and UV-Vis absorption spectrophotometer, fluorimeter, high performance liquid chromatography (GC), atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS), BET surface area and Gamma radiation count as well as basic research tools for conducting scientific studies in undergraduate and graduate experimental studies. Also common areas of the faculty which consist of two computer classrooms, a cultural center, four amphitheatres, and social and sports facilities located within the campus are open for students. It is possible for the students of the department to study and at universities in Turkey and abroad. With ERASMUS and FARABI programs.