1. Semester
MLS 1001Elective Course Pool I---1
IKS 1113Introduction to Economics3005
MLS 1101Usage of Basic Information Technology3004
ISS 1123Fundamentals of Business Science3004
MLS 1103Career Planning 1002
ISS 1121Fundamental Concepts of Law3004
TDL 1191Turkish Language4004
YDI 1191Foreign Language I - English2002
ISS 1103Mathematics I3004
2. Semester
MLS 1002Elective Course Pool II---1
ADS 1506Non-Field Elective Pool---3
IKS 1112Micro Economics 3004
IKS 1114Macro Economics I3004
ISS 1122Accounting I3004
ISS 1104Mathematics II3004
AIT 1192Ataturk's Principles and History of Revolution4004
YDI 1192Foreign Language II - English2002
3. Semester
IKS 2113Macro Economics II3004
MLS 2101Introduction to Public Finance3005
ISS 2121Accounting II3004
MLS 2103Scientific Research Methods3005
ISS 2109Statistics I3004
MLS 2105Administrative Law3004
MLS 2107Government Budget I3004
4. Semester
MLS 2102Public Finance Theory3005
ISS 2122Financial Statements Analysis3004
ISS 2124Law of Obligations3004
IKS 2112History of Economic Systems and Thoughts3004
ISS 2114Statistics II3004
MLS 2104Government Budget II3004
MLS 2106History of Public Finance3005
5. Semester
MLS 3001Elective Course Pool V---12
SSP 3000Social Responsibility Projects1021
MLS 3101Budget Policy3005
ISS 3121Corporate Accounting3003
MLS 3103Tax Procedure Law3004
MLS 3105Public Economics3005
6. Semester
MLS 3002Elective Course Pool VI---12
IKS 3112International Economics3004
MLS 3106Tax Criminal Law3005
MLS 3102Turkish Tax System I3005
MLS 3104Fiscal Policy I3004
7. Semester
MLS 4001Elective Course Pool VII---20
MLS 4101Turkish Tax System II3005
MLS 4103Fiscal Policy II3005
8. Semester
MLS 4002Elective Course Pool VIII---20
MLS 4102Tax Practices and Accounting3005
IKS 4102Economics of Innovation3005
Elective Course Pool I
BED 1131Physical Education 11001
GSM 1131Fine Arts I - Music1001
GSR 1131Painting 11001
GSH 1131Fine Arts I - Folk Dances1001
Elective Course Pool II
BED 1132Physical Education II1001
GSM 1132Fine Arts II - Music1001
GSR 1132Fine Arts II - Painting1001
GSH 1132Fine Arts II - Folk Dances1001
Non-Field Elective Pool
ADS 1202Tecnology and Informtion Crimes2003
ADS 1204Fire Safety and Natural Disasters Invertion2003
ADS 1206Environmental Protection Legislation2003
ADS 1208Fashion Marketing2003
ADS 1210Fashion Photography2003
ADS 1212The Fundamentals of Web Design2003
ADS 1214Mobile Programming2003
ADS 1216Real Estate Valuation Techniques2003
ADS 1218Occupational Health and Safety2003
ADS 1220Communication and Persuasion2003
Elective Course Pool V
MLS 3201Constitutional Law3004
MLS 3203Customs Legislation and Practices3004
IKS 3215Econometric Methods3004
ISS 3241Cost Accounting3004
IKS 3213Economic Policy3004
IKS 3217Monetary Theory and Policy 3004
ISS 3243Marketing Research 3004
MLS 3205Current Financial Issues3004
IKS 3219Islamıc Economics3004
ATD 5000Academic Turkish (Foreign National)3004
MLS 3207Treasury Transactions3004
MLS 3209Human Rights3004
Elective Course Pool VI
ISS 3242International Marketing 3004
ISS 3244Financial Management3004
ISS 3246Human Resources Management3004
MLS 3202Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law3004
ISS 3248Marketing Management3004
IKS 3214Economic Growth3004
MLS 3204Entrepreneurship3004
MLS 3206Deconcentration Finance 3004
ISS 3252Commercial Law3004
ISS 3254Marketing3004
MLS 3208Public Economic Enterprises and Privatisation3004
MLS 3210Parafiscal Liabilities3004
Elective Course Pool VII
IKS 4207Economic Integrations3004
MLS 4201International Taxation3004
IKS 4275Financial Economics3004
ISS 4241Strategic Management 3004
ISS 4201Capital Market Analysis3004
MLS 4203Public Finance Theory3004
IKS 4211Turkish Economy3004
MLS 4205Urbanization and Environmental Policies (English)3004
MLS 4207Public Fiscal Auditing3004
MLS 4209Government Debts3004
MLS 4211Fiscal Jurisdiction3004
ISS 4243Logistics3004
Elective Course Pool VIII
ISS 4242Auditing3004
ISS 4206Fundamentals of Programming 3004
IKS 4216Behavioral Economics3004
MLS 4202Tax Enforcement Law3004
MLS 4204Fiscal Decentralisation Management3004
MLS 4206Financial Incentive System3004
MLS 4208EU Financial Structure and Turkey Relations3004
MLS 4210Social Budget3004
MLS 4212International Finance and Fiscal Institutions3004
MLS 4214Banking and Fiscal Institutions3004
MLS 4216The Economics of Taxation3004