1. Dönem
ING 1111Seçmeli Havuzu 1---1
ING 1103Research and Composition Skills I3003
ING 1105History of English Literature I3004
ING 1107Textual Analysis I3004
ING 1109Mythology3004
ING 1111Short Story I3003
YDA 1121Almanca I2002
AIT 1101Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi I2002
TDL 1111Türk Dili I2002
ING 1115Literary Terms and Movements I 3003
ING 1117Kariyer Planlama1002
2. Dönem
ING 2222Seçmeli Havuzu 2---1
ING 1108Textual Analysis II3004
ING 1110Classical Literature3004
ING 1104Research and Composition Skills II3003
ING 1106History of English Literature II3004
ING 1112Short Story II3003
YDA 1122Almanca II2002
TDL 1112Türk Dili II2002
AIT 1102Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi II2002
ING 1116 Literary Terms and Movements II 3003
ING 1118 Temel Bilgisayar Teknolojileri2002
3. Dönem
ING 3333Seçmeli Havuz 3---5
ING 2117Medieval Thought and Literature3005
ING 2119American Culture and Literature I 3005
ING 2111Introduction to British Novel I3005
ING 2113Introduction to British Drama I3005
ING 2121Introduction to British Poetry I3005
4. Dönem
ING 4444Seçmeli Havuzu 4---5
ING 2110Chaucer3005
ING 2120American Culture and Literature II 3005
ING 2112British Novel II3005
ING 2114British Drama II3005
ING 2122British Poetry II3005
5. Dönem
ING 5555Seçmeli Havuzu 5---12
ING 3107Shakespeare I3006
ING 3109Literary Movements I3006
ING 3111Introduction to Translation3006
6. Dönem
ING 6666Seçmeli Havuzu 6---12
ING 3110Literary Movements II3006
ING 3112Contemporary Poetry3006
ING 3108Shakespeare II3006
7. Dönem
ING 7777Seçmeli Havuzu 7---12
ING 4101Literary Theory and Criticism I3006
ING 4109Contemporary Novel3006
ING 4107Comparative Literature3006
8. Dönem
ING 8888Seçmeli Havuzu 8---12
ING 4102Literary Theory and Criticism II3006
ING 4104Cultural Studies3006
ING 4108Contemporary British Drama3006
Seçmeli Havuzu 1
BED 1131Beden Eğitimi I1001
GSM 1131Güzel Sanatlar - Müzik I1001
GSR 1131Güzel Sanatlar - Resim I1001
GSH 1131Güzel Sanatlar - Halk Oyunları I1001
Seçmeli Havuzu 2
BED 1132Beden Eğitimi II1001
GSM 1132Güzel Sanatlar - Müzik II1001
GSH 1132Güzel Sanatlar - Halk Oyunları II1001
GSR 1132Güzel Sanatlar - Resim II1001
Seçmeli Havuz 3
YDA 2125Almanca III3005
Seçmeli Havuzu 4
YDA 2126Almanca IV3005
Seçmeli Havuzu 5
ING 3201Special Topics in English Literature (S)3004
ING 3205Romanticism (S)3004
ING 3207Modernism (S)3004
ING 3209World Literature I (S)3004
ING 3215American Drama (S)3004
ING 3217Literary Translation I (S)3004
ING 3219Modern British Drama (S)3004
YDA 3225Yabancı Dil (Almanca) (S)3004
ING 3221Myths in Contemporary Culture and Literature I 3004
ING 3223Campus Fiction I (S)3004
ING 3225British Intellectual Thought3004
ING 3227Introduction to Linguistics I3004
ING 3229Feminist Studies3004
ING 3231Children’s Literature I3004
Seçmeli Havuzu 6
ING 3204Special Topics in English Literature II (S)3004
ING 3206Literary Translation II (S)3004
ING 3208Postmodernism (S)3004
ING 3210World Literature II (S)3004
ING 3214Victorian Literature (S)3004
ING 3218British Culture and Society (S)3004
YDA 3226Yabancı Dil (Almanca) (S)3004
ING 3222Myths in Contemporary Culture and Literature II 3004
ING 3220American Drama II3004
ING 3224Children's Literature II3004
ING 3226Campus Fiction II (S)3004
ING 3228Introduction to Linguistics II3004
ING 3230Masculinity Studies3004
Seçmeli Havuzu 7
ING 4203Gender Studies I (S)3004
ING 4205Postcolonial Literature I (S)3004
ING 4207Special Topics in Literature III (S)3004
ING 4209Gothic Novel I (S)3004
ING 4211American Novel I (S)3004
ING 4215Irish Literature I (S)3004
YDA 4227Yabancı Dil (Almanca) (S)3004
ING 4217 The Cultural History of The US3004
ING 4219Science Fiction (S)3004
ING 4221Research and Writing I2004
Seçmeli Havuzu 8
ING 4204Film Adaptations of Literary Works (S)3004
ING 4206Postcolonial Literature II (S)3004
ING 4208Gender Studies II (S)3004
ING 4212Special Topics in English Literature IV (S)3004
ING 4214Irish Literature II (S)3004
ING 4216American Novel II (S)3004
YDA 4228Yabancı Dil (Almanca) (S)3004
CBU 4401Girişimcilik4005
ING 4218A Cultural History of the US3004
ING 4220Fantasy Literature (S)3004
ING 4222Research and Writing II2004