Course CodeCourse Name12345678910
AIT 2102Ataturk's Principles And History of Revolution0020101000
SIS 1101Machinery and Equipment4454122300
SIS 1102Labour and Social Security Law4443423200
SIS 1111Introduction to Safety5000440504
SIS 1112Labeling and Marking4544555500
SIS 1121Chemicals and Dangers0500000000
SIS 1122Total Productive Maintenance Control and Periodic4555511400
SIS 1131Basic Law4443424300
SIS 1142Industrial Hygiene0500000044
SIS 1151Mathematics3444445130
SIS 1152Occupational Healt and Occupational Diseases5534444400
SIS 1212Bussiness Administration3333333400
SIS 1232Firefighting and Fire Protection5500000000
SIS 1241Ergonomics4453544441
SIS 1252Environmental Health and Safety4444554400
SIS 1261Computer1454422300
SIS 1262Occupation Health and Safety4454500400
SIS 1271Office Software2211000300
SIS 1272OHS Eqipment, Measurement Techniques5444444500
SIS 1282First Aid4444554400
SIS 2101Research Methods and Technics4545555500
SIS 2102Behavior-Oriented Occupation Health and Safety3344333231
SIS 2111Safety in Building Works4000500000
SIS 2131Safety in Electric Works2224400200
SIS 2132Occupational Health and Safetyin Working with Pressure Vessels5414355500
SIS 2141OHS Risk Assessment5545534400
SIS 2142Statistic0004000054
SIS 2151Safety Regulations5434545400
SIS 2212Hazardous Subtance and Weste Management4554444454
SIS 2221Training Methods of Occupational Safety4453554544
SIS 2222Occupation Health and Safety Management Systems0550000500
SIS 2251Ventilation and Healty in Mining5555555500
SIS 2261Handling and Storage5400000000
SIS 2271Psychology in Industry2553535200
SIS 2281Occupational Health and Safety Report and Certification5545555500
SOD 1101Occupational Ethics2221333300
SOD 1102Social Responsibility4445454400
SOD 1222Entrepreneurship2223332300
SOD 1232Techonology Management0340200000
SOD 1242Innovation Management2332101100
TDL 2102Turkish Language2332334400
YDI 2102Foreign Language0000000000