Course CodeCourse Name12345678910
AIT 1101Ataturk's Principles and History of Revolution I0000000000
AIT 1102Ataturk's Principles and History of Revolution II0000000000
GMH 1102General Accounting II0000000000
GMH 1111General Accounting I0000000000
HUK 1111Basic Concepts of Law4454554445
IKT 1104Macro Economy0000000000
IKT 1111Micro Economics0000000000
IST 1104Statistics4000400000
KRY 1201Career Planning0000000000
MAT 1111Mathematics0000000000
SGO 1203University Life Culture0000000000
SGO 1207Social Enviroment Culture0000000000
SGO 2203Business Mathematics0000000000
SGO 2205Advanced Excel Applications0000000000
SGO 2207Industry 4.0 and Digital Transformation0000000000
SGO 2209E-Commerce0000000000
SGO 2211Introduction to Algorithm and Programming0000000000
SGT 1203Public Finance4333333333
SGT 1204Basic Computer Applications0000000000
SGT 1205Introduction to Sociology0000000000
SGT 1206Huıman Rights and Democracy4344433435
SGT 1207Business Administration0000000000
SGT 1208Labour Life4433344444
SGT 1209Social Problems0000000000
SGT 1210Theory of Social Security5534545111
SGT 1211Communication Techniques0000000000
SGT 1212Constitutional Law4444434443
SGT 1213Basic Knowledge of Human Rights4344433435
SGT 2203Social Security Practices in Enterprises and E-SSI0000000000
SGT 2204Social Structure of Türkiye0000000000
SGT 2205International Social Policy0000000000
SGT 2206Public Administration0000000000
SGT 2207Management and Organization0000000000
SGT 2208Total Quality Management and Control0000000000
SGT 2209Ergonomics0000000000
SGT 2210Türkiye's Economy0000000000
SGT 2211Insurance3334444544
SGT 2212Law of Insurance4433234434
SGT 2213Pyscology of Work0000000000
SGT 2214Employment and Unemployment0000000000
SGT 2215Research Methods and Techniques0000000000
SGT 2216Marketing0000000000
SGT 2217Sociology of Working0000000000
SGT 2218Innovation Management0000000000
SGT 2219Social Services0000000000
SGT 2220Occupationl Health and Safety0004504033
SGT 2222Tax Law5325444523
SGT 2224Entrepreneurship0000000000
SGV 1101Introduction to Social Polıcy5444544523
SGV 1102Introduction to Social Security5534545111
SGV 1104Industry Based Internship Training (30 Days)0000000000
SGV 2101Labor Law0000000000
SGV 2102Social Security Law4433333333
SGV 2103Law of Obligations4433334433
SGV 2104Commercial Law5545444345
SGV 2105Industrial Relations5435334423
SGV 2106Wage and Wage Theory5445554445
SGV 2107Human Resorces Management0000000000
SGV 2108Labour Economics0000000000
SYS 1251Social Responsibility0000000000
TDL 1111Turkish Language I4203143121
TDL 1114Turkish Language II4203133322
YDI 1121Foreign Language I (English)0000000000
YDI 1122Foreign Language II (English)0000000012