Course CodeCourse Name
SBE 5501Scientific Research Methods and Publication Ethics
TEZ 5000Thesis Study
UTF 5101Globalization and International Trade
UTF 5104 Applied Statistics
UTF 5112International Financial Management
UTF 5201International Supply Chain Management
UTF 5202Business Administration in International Trade
UTF 5204Foreign Trade Regulations
UTF 5205Microeconomics
UTF 5207Multinational Enterprises and FDI
UTF 5208International Human Resources Management
UTF 5209Foreign Trade Regulations
UTF 5210Electronic Trade
UTF 5211International Financial Markets and Institutions,
UTF 5212International Trade Policy and Turkey
UTF 5213Applied Foreign Trade
UTF 5216International Energy Strategies and Its Economy
UTF 5217International Entrepreneurship
UTF 5218Customs Legislation
UTF 5219Innovativeness and Project Management
UTF 5220International Logistics Management
UTF 5222International Investment and Asset Management
UTF 5223Europen Union Turkey Relations and Trade
UTF 5225International Law and Trade
UTF 5226Leadership and team work
UTF 5228International Strategies in Business
UTF 5229Foreign Trade Regulations
UTF 5231Foreign Trade Applications Accounting
UTF 5232International Business Law
UTF 5233Insurance in International Trade
UTF 5235Contemporary Financial Markets and Politics Analysis
UTF 5241International Marketing Management
UTF 5242International Environment and Quality Management Systems
UTF 5251International Relations
UTF 5252Game Theory: Strategic Trade Policy
UTF 5253Crime Economy
UTF 5262Econometry
UTF 5271International Economics
UTF 5272Foreign Trade Financing Techniques
UTF 5281International Competitive Strategies
UTF 5282International Banking
UTF 5291International Marketing Research
UTF 5806Seminar
UZM 5000Area of Specialization