Manisa Celal Bayar University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences is established in 2015-2016 academic year and started its graduate education activities in the same academic year spring semester.
Qualification Awarded
Master’s Degree in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Level of Qualification (Short Cycle , First Cycle , Second Cycle, Third Cycle)
Second Cycle
Specific Admission Requirements
Candidates must have a score of at least 55 ALES on their bachelor's degree and the program they are applying for in order to apply to the graduate program. In order to be successful in foreign language, it is necessary to get equivalent points from any of the foreign language exams which are accepted as at least 40 from YDS or between the universities. Those who apply to the programs for which preparatory class is required for graduate education and those who succeed in preparatory class in undergraduate education are not required. In the master's program entrance examination, the grade of achievement must be at least 65. The success grade is the sum of 50% of the relevant ALES score, 30% of the undergraduate achievement grade and 20% of the interview grade. Success scores of students who do not enter the interview are not calculated. Candidates whose achievement score is 65 or higher in the master's program are ranked according to their scores starting from the highest. Candidates included in the quota receive a definitive registration for the programs they apply to. Other candidates entering the ranking are designated as substitutes and announced by the relevant institute directorate. In case there is an equality in the order, priority is given to the ALES score, the grade point average, the score with the foreign language score. Detailed information is available from the Manisa Celal Bayar University Graduate Education and Training Regulation.
Specific Arrangements For Recognition Of Prior Learning (Formal, Non-Formal and Informal)
Students enrolled in the Master's program may request exemption from the courses they have achieved in equivalent programs of higher education institutions that they have already studied. To do this, they must submit the approved transcript and course content to the relevant unit within one week after the registration week with a petition.
Qualification Requirements and Regulations
To be successful with at least eight courses, one seminar course and thesis study with a total of twenty four (24) credits less than one course; to complete at least 120 ECTS credits in a maximum of six semesters, not less than 60 ECTS credits in a school year, including seminar courses and thesis studies.
Profile of The Programme
In the field of Main Science; There are four sciences, namely Construction and Manufacturing, Mechanics, Machine Theory and Dynamics, Thermodynamics and Heat Technique. The curriculum is designed to provide the foundation for contemporary machinery and manufacturing engineering. First year elective courses include advanced topics in mechanics, material science, manufacturing methods, energy, thermodynamics and electrics. Through these lessons, students are offered a wide range of courses on machine and manufacturing engineering.
Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples
They can continue to doctoral programs. Can take positions in private and state institutions
Access to Further Studies
Graduates who have successfully completed the master's program can apply to doctorate programs in their own fields or in multidisciplinary fields, provided they have a valid score in the ALES exam and if they are successful in the interview examination.
Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading
Exams; midterms, final and makeup exams. Apart from exams, quiz, project, homework research and other activities that the instructor deems appropriate can be done. The number of these activities and the contribution to the course grades are indicated in the course plan by the teaching staff. Exams; written, verbal, written, oral or practical. All exams are evaluated over 100 points and converted into a letter grade by the system. The success grade is calculated by taking the percentages determined by the instructor of the midterm and other activities so that it does not fall below 50% of the contribution of the final exam. Letter notation limits are determined by the faculty member. The student must take at least a CC letter grade in order for a dersten to be considered successful.
Graduation Requirements
To be successful in master's program, at least eight courses with a minimum of 24 (24) credits, one seminar course and thesis study; to complete at least 120 ECTS credits in a maximum of six semesters, including a seminar course and a thesis study, not less than 60 ECTS credits in an academic year.
Mode of Study (Full-Time, Part-Time, E-Learning )
Address, Programme Director or Equivalent
Yrd. Doç. Dr. İbrahim Fadıl SOYKÖK Manisa Celal Bayar University, Institute of Science, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Prof. Dr. İlhan VARANK Campus, Muradiye, Manisa, Turkey Phone: 0 (236) 201 23 01, E‐mail: ibrahim.soykok@cbu.edu.tr
There is one laboratory in the department (CNC laboratory) where both master's and academic activities are carried out.