Upon successful completion of this programme, the enrolled students will be gaining the following knowledge, skills and competences ;
1- To be able to have knowledge about global economies, international common markets and international organizations
2- To be able to use the available resources effectively to collect and analyze data and to make accurate inferences from findings in accordance with ethical rules
3- To be able to have knowledge about international banking, capital flows and financial markets and to use financial instruments in global trade
4- To be able to have knowledge of quantitative research techniques and related package program use skills
5- To be able to have information about entrepreneur and entrepreneurial activities at global level
6- To be able to discuss logistics and supply chain management activities on an international scale
7- To be able to create new and creative solutions in the field of international marketing and e-commerce
8- To be able to understand economic, political and legal forces in the international environment
9- To be able to globally plan and implement competition strategies, innovation activities and projects of international business companies
10- To be able to gain ability to comprehend, interpret and predict current economic problems in national and international environmental
11- To be able to follow and have knowledge of customs procedures and legal regulations in foreign trade
12- To be able to have knowledge of organizations and administrative activities of international businesses