Course CodeCourse Name12345678910
ADS 1412Body Language4444445445
ADS 1422Career Planning4535454345
ADS 1424Portfolio Design3222332232
ADS 1432Intercultural Communication3333333333
ADS 1442International Public Relations5455554555
ADS 1452Media Literacy5443443334
ADS 1462Corporate Social Responsibility0000000000
ADS 1472Emotional Intelligence and Communication Skills 5555555455
ADS 1482Personal Development4444444444
ADS 1490Occupational Healt and Safety1112111111
ADS 1492Current Approaches in Management4445545444
ADS 1494Local Tourism2122212211
ADS 1496İnterview Technigues2222222222
ADS 1498Artıficial İntelligence5555555555
AIT 1103Ataturk's Principles and History of Revolution2232222322
MLY 1122Accounting II5555555555
MLY 1132Commercial Law5455544545
MLY 1137Accounting I5555555555
MLY 1138Macro Economics3544553455
MLY 1141Fundamental Concepts of the Law34454444444
MLY 1143Introduction to Public Finance5555555555
MLY 1144Internship4445434354
MLY 1145Introduction to Economics0000000000
MLY 1147Mathematics4445445445
MLY 1149Social Policy4454444444
MLY 1151Career Planning4454444323
MLY 1152Local Finance5555555555
MLY 1154Basic Computer Technologies Usage0000000005
MLY 1156General Business5445555555
MLY 1162Public Finance Theory5555555555
MLY 2103Public Economy5555555555
MLY 2116Cost Accounting5454443334
MLY 2121Financial Statements Analysis4435343344
MLY 2123Government Budget and Treasury Transaction5555555555
MLY 2125Tax Law5555555555
MLY 2128Corporate Accounting5555555555
MLY 2130Turkish Tax System5555555555
MLY 2134Fiscal Policy5555555555
MLY 2202European Union and Turkey4444444444
MLY 2203BehaVIoral Science3333222232
MLY 2204Public Debts5444555555
MLY 2205Innovation Management4544445445
MLY 2206Electronic Comerce3433333333
MLY 2210Transaction in Foreign Trade4455554545
MLY 2255Computerized Accounting5555555555
MLY 2256Turkish Economy0000000000
MLY 2257Commercial Mathematics4545444455
MLY 2258Entrepreneurship4545555555
MLY 2259Statistics3455454554
MLY 2260Current Financial Problems5555555555
MLY 2261Auditing5555555555
MLY 2262Professional Foreign Language5554544555
MLY 2263Research Methods in Public Finance0000000000
MLY 2264Small and Medium Sized Business Management5554555555
MLY 2265Monetary Theory and Policy5555555555
MLY 2266Invesment Projeects Anaysis0000000000
MLY 2268International Marketing0400000004
MLY 2270The History of Political Thoughts5554555555
TDL 1103Turkish Language2332222222
YDI 1103Foreign Language2322223322