Manisa Celal Bayar University Alaşehir Vocational School was established in 1986 under the affiliation of Ege University. It was then affiliated to Manisa Celal Bayar University after its establishment in 1992. Organic Agriculture Programme started education and training in 2012.
Qualification Awarded
Associate Degree in Organic Agriculture
Level of Qualification (Short Cycle , First Cycle , Second Cycle, Third Cycle)
Pre Bachelor
Specific Admission Requirements
Candidates mıst have a high school diploma or equivalent, and the score of the Higher Education Institutions Examination by the the Centre for Measurement Selection and Placement, which has a score of sufficient score, indicates that they are placed in the relevant department.
Specific Arrangements For Recognition Of Prior Learning (Formal, Non-Formal and Informal)
Students enrolled in the program can be exempted from the courses they have achieved in the higher education institutions they have already studied. Also; An exemption examination is opened at the beginning of each academic year for the foreign language course and the proposals of the relevant committees and courses approved by Senate. Students who score 65 or more on the exemption exam are exempt from these courses
Qualification Requirements and Regulations
In order to graduate from the Organic Agriculture program, students must have successfully completed 120 ECTS credit hours and have successfully completed 40 workday summer internship. In addition to this, it is essential that the overall academic grade point average is at least 2.00 over 4.00.
Profile of The Programme
The aim of Organic Agriculture Program’s education is; training “Organic Agriculture Technicians” who know using the modern production techniques, which aim protecting the ecological balance, producing the inputs that are used for all sorts of vegetative and animal productions according to the organic agriculture method and processing, storing, and controlling these products, and which are not harmful for environment and human health.
Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples
Graduates can work as technicians in Food, Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Ministry, private farms that breed Organic Agriculture, organic products’ control and certification foundations and farmer organizations
Access to Further Studies
Candidates that finish the short cycle education successfully can continue education in license programs of Faculty of Agriculture’s related departments.
Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading
Whether the students are successful or not is assessed in two stages: a midterm exam and a final exam. Besides midterms, quizzes, projects, assignments, other activities that researchers and instructors consider appropriate can be done. The number of these activites and their contribution to the achievement grade is indicated in the course plan by the instructor. All exams are evaluated over 100 points. 40% of the midterm and 60% of the final exam constitute the success grade. Success grade is converted to a letter grade via Relative grade system. In order for a student to be considered successful in a course, he must obtain CC as a minimum grade. Students with a GANO score of at least 2.00 (DC) and (DD) are considered successful in the courses they have taken. Students who do not have a failed course, but whose GANO is below 2.00, must first repeat the courses (DC) and (DD) to get their GANOs above 2.00 in order to graduate.
Graduation Requirements
In order to complete the program successfully, it is necessary to take a total of 120 ECTS courses, to pass these courses, to obtain a weighted GPA of at least 2.00 out of 4.00 and to complete the 40 workday summer internship.
Mode of Study (Full-Time, Part-Time, E-Learning )
Full time.
Address, Programme Director or Equivalent
Head of the Programme : Prof. Dr. Sinan ANLAŞ Programme ECTS/DS Coordinator : Prof. Dr. Sinan ANLAŞ Address : Manisa Celal Bayar University Alaşehir Vocational School, 45600, Alaşehir-Manisa/TURKEY Phone : +90 236 654 12 01- 654 31 53 Fax : +90 236 654 12 00 Web Address : http://alasehirmyo.cbu.edu.tr/organik-tarim.2714.tr.html E-mail : alasehirmyo@cbu.edu.tr
Practice field and greenhouse, laboratories, library, computer laboratory